How is The Workroom doing?

We've been asked by family and friends since the Circuit Breaker in Singapore, are we okay? How are we doing?

Well, we've been keeping our spirits up and keeping ourselves busy with creating online content for our students, and serving our clients for commissioned projects. We are as always, even before the pandemic, always very grateful for every bit of paid work that comes our way. After all, the art industry can be so challenging and still not pay the bills. 

We always endeavour to share lots of cheer and pretty things online. At the same time, there's no denying that we've been hard hit just like many other businesses. On 5 June 2020, CNA reported that some 3,800 businesses shut down in April, and more are expected to close in the coming months.


If you like us — our creative workshops, our artistic skills and our friendly team — please continue to support what we do: with a purchase, with a Zoom class, and spreading the good word about us. Or maybe drop us a line to say hello! Every little thing you do in love helps.

Thank you for being a fan! We're indebted.